Demo Blog

by dancefloor murderer on Nov.22, 2009, under

huh!insomnia ku dtg ag.slalu je ta ley da try.tap still ta ley.yg aq heran,siang bley plak aq tdo smpy berblas2 jam.letihnyer!!!
besok still ade klas.tap cam bese r,nawaituku ttp ta nak pg..haha..sylibus da abes kowt..btw,final exam juz around de crner..:(

xtually,i'm not ready at ol..mayb its ol my mistake kowt..clap atur sbject 4 diz last sem..(hpeflly)..
math..asal mg nie ssoh sangat r?isk3...or mayb it's not hard juz like i think,but dats ol my fault..kureng stdy..nk wat cmne..suke men..huhu..but to my 'dearest' sir,pliz passkan xnk mls dh duk pj nk p gmbak a.s.a.p..ta sbar nk bg tyar moto aq cecah bumi kl..haha..n prgrmming pun same,,diz 2 sbject totally make me ta taw da nk watpe..mayb after update blog nie wat aq lega kot..tap nk pass je..pass je..ta nak repeat..isk3..

btw,skunk is "rayer mood"!!juz tggal bpe ary je ag nk balik kg..nk rayer!ta sabar,sgala mud stdy tlah hanyut dbawa mud raye aq..haha..lantak r,,raye ag pntg...hahha..(typu dri sndri)..baju n sluar raye da beli..pas + and - and x and bhagi,lam 3oohinggit gak aq spent 4 raye..haha..lantak r..haha

tap pas raye lam smggu kene dtg u balik,,.final exam r..isk3..arap2 aq dpat wat..hurm..da r,mls da..


slamat ary raye..hahaha

aku nk pass..isk3
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by dancefloor murderer on Nov.22, 2009, under

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ikang singgang + budu = lauk sedak kalli!!!

by dancefloor murderer on Nov.22, 2009, under

bile brada di perantauan nie,mcm2 aq rndu..of kos sal msakan mak aq..yg terbaek ialah ikan snggang. msakan nie mrupakan sajian trun tmurun yg paling istmewa..dhidangkan bersama ngan budu..pergh!!! aq nk kgsi ngan kowg sume nie,siyes mang cambesh r!!!:)..sbgai seorg belia 4b yg sgt suka akn sjian dan masakan ibu,aq terus bertnye kpda ibuku...."mak2,apekah rsepi untuk mnyediakan ikan snggang terbaik?"lalu mak aq terus bgtaw n cpt2 aq save lam kpla hotak..

berikut mrupakan resipi ikan snggang..


5 Ekor ikan Aya/tongkol atau ikan Kembong (ikut la nk bpe ekor pom)
¼ inci Lengkuas
4 hiris kunyit hidup atau satu sudu kecil serbuk kunyit
1 ulas bwg putih
3 kpg asam gelugor
2 biji cili hidup dipatahkan..tap aq suke lada jarum..pdas ag..
garam secukup rasa
air secukupnya

cara pnyediaan..

Rebuskan semua bahan sekaligus sehingga ikan masak... so easy!!!!

cdgan hidangan..

mkan ngan nasi yg ngan budu..terbaik!!!plus air sunquick sjuk2..sodap2!!


p/s:lapor weh!!

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by dancefloor murderer on Nov.22, 2009, under

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyanyang

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah diwajibkan ke atas kamu puasa seperti mana diwajibkan ke atas mereka sebelum kamu, mudah-mudahan kamu bertaqwa." Al-Baqarah 183

اهلا وسهلا يا رمضان


Rindunya aku padanya..

Antara dua belas yang kukenal..

Dia yang paling istimewa..

Sungguh istimewa..

Tidak kunafikan..

Namun,layakkah aku menyatakan rindu padanya?..

Adakah dia rindu untuk menemuiku?..

Rindukah dia kepadaku?..

Aku selalu mensia-siakan kehadirannya..

Tidak kuhiraukan sungguh-sungguh..

Apa yang ada padanya,aku pandang sebelah mata..

Terkadang hatiku tidak tulus..

Sedangkan dia Kau kurniakan..

Dia yang Engkau tentukan..

Yang mentarbiyah aku..

Mendekatkan diriku padaMu Ya ALLAH..

Mendidikku menjauhi segalanya yang Kau murka..

Membersihkan hatiku dari noda yang silam..

Tapi aku susah benar untuk menyedari semua itu..

Berdosanya aku..

ALLAH Ya Rahim...

Ampunilah aku..

Berikanlah aku peluang kali ini..

Untukku membetulkan apa yang aku silap..

Menampal mana yang terkoyak..

Aku rindukan dia Ya ALLAH..

Sebelum mataku rapat terpejam..

Izinkan aku bertemu dengannya..


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~bidadari syurga~

by dancefloor murderer on Nov.22, 2009, under

sje.. ttbe ase nk update blog tyme nie..kongsi2 ape yg aq dpat..sdar xssdar,da masuk ary ke6 dh kite pose..kjap je..nie nk cite sal,bidadari nie slah satu anugerah Allah kepada seorang lelaki yang memasuki syurga.. Bagi seorang wanita yang solehah maka bidadari bagi suaminya adalah dikalangan bidadari2 kurniaan Allah dan dia (isteri solehah merupakan ketua akan segala bidadari-bidadari tersbut). MasyaAllah...

pnah dgr name ainul mardhiah?..


‘Ainul Mardhiah (mata yang diredhai) merupakan seorang bidadari yang paling cantik dikalangan bidadari-bidadari yang lain. Suatu pagi ketika nabi memberi kata-kata semangat di kalangan sahabat untuk berjihad pada agama Allah, katanya siapa-siapa yang keluar di jalan Allah tiba-tiba ia shahid, maka dia akan dianugerahkan seorang bidadari yang paling cantik dikalangan bidadari2 syurga. Mendengar berita itu seorang sahabat yang usianya sangat muda teringin sangat nak tahu bagaimana cantiknya bidadari tersebut…. tetapi dia malu nak bertanyakan kepada nabi kerana malu pada sahabat-sahabat yang lain.

Namun dia tetap beri nama sebagai salah sorang yang akan keluar/pergi. Sebelum Zohor sunnah nabi akan tidur sebentar (dipanggil khailulah, maka sahabat yang muda tadi juga turut bersama jemaah tadi… tidur bersama-sama)

Dalam tidur tersebut dia bermimpi berada di satu tempat yang sungguh indah, dia bertemu dengan seorang yang berpakaian yang bersih lagi cantik dan muka yang berseri2 lalu ditanyanya di manakah dia… lalu lelaki itu menjawab inilah syurga. Lalu dia menyatakan hasrat untuk berjumpa dengan ‘Ainul Mardhiah… lalu ditunjuknya di suatu arah maka berjalan dia… di suatu pepohon beliau mendapati ada seorang wanita yang tak pernah dia lihat kecantikan begitu… tak pernah dilihat didunia ini… lalu diberi salam dan dia bertanya andakah ainul mardhiah… wanita itu menjawab ehh tidakk… saya khadamnya ainul mardhiah ada di dalam singgahsana sana.

Lalu dia berjalan dan memasuki satu mahligai yang cukup indah dan mendapati ada seorang lagi wanita yang kecantikannya berganda-ganda dari yang pertama tadi sedang mengelap permata-mata perhiasan di dalam mahligai…lalu diberi salam dan di tanya lagi adakah dia ainul mardiah lalu wanita itu menjawab…eh tidakkk saya hanya khadamnya di dalam mahligai ini…ainul mardiah ada di atas mahligai sana,….. lalu dinaikinya anak-anak tangga mahligai permata itu kecantikkannya sungguh mengkagumkan. .. lalu dia sampai ke satu mahligai dan mendapati seorang wanita yang berganda-ganda cantik dari yang pertama dan berganda-ganda cantiknya dari yang kedua…. dan tak pernah dia lihat di dunia…. lalu wanita itu berkata… akulah ainul mardhiah, aku diciptakan untk kamu dan kamu diciptakan untk aku…. bila lelaki itu mendekatinya wanita itu menjawab… nantiii kamu belum syahid lagiiii….. .tersentak itu pemuda itu pun terjaga dari tidurnya lalu dia menceritakan segala-galanya kepada satu sahabat lain, namun begitu dia memesan agar jangan menceritakan cerita ini kepada nabi SAW… tapi sekiranya dia shahid barulah ceritakan kepada nabi.

Petang itu pemuda itu bersama-sama dengan jemaah yang terdapat Nabi di dalamnya telah keluar berperang lalu ditakdirkan pemuda tadi telah shahid. Petang tersebut ketika semua jemaah telah pulang ke masjid, di waktu hendak berbuka puasa maka mereka telah menunggu makanan untuk berbuka (tunggu makanan adalah satu sunnah nabi). Maka kawan sahabat yang shahid tadi telah bangun dan merapati nabi SAW dan menceritakan perihal sahabat nabi yang syahid tadi… dalam menceritakan itu nabi menjawab benar… benar…benar. .. dalam sepanjang cerita tersebut.

Akhirnya nabi SAW berkata memang benar cerita sahabat kamu tadi dan sekarang ini dia sedang menunggu untuk berbuka puasa di syurga….



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me n myself..

by dancefloor murderer on Nov.22, 2009, under

..Hye there!trying to guess who really i am?..huhu..

Actually,my real name is Al-Mustaqim bin Omar@Mohd..hehe
and ramuEldo is just my nick name and i love to use it very well..:)
because i think it is quite cute name,right?hehe..but you all also can call me what do your prefer..

I was born on 5th October 1991..up to now,i am 19 years old..(exactly still 18th...hehehe). My mom said that just after i was born,'azan' for subuh prayer heard..hehe..when i was child,i'm quite naughty and love to do something that give me challenge. Up to now,i really like to do something tough and interesting. My hometown is at Kuala Terengganu and currently i stay at Petaling Jaya for study..I'm studying at Centre for Foundation Studies International Islamic University Malaysia (CFSIIUM) and hopefully this is my last semester here. I want to go to main campus as soon as possible..:)

I have a very happy family with 8 siblings and 15 nephew (but i think after Eid this year,maybe it will up to 17..hhehe) and i am the last one..the youngest..hehe..i hope i can be a usefull person for myself and all people as well..if you all wanna be friends with me,lets get it on!..n i love friendship!! add me at

"If you never to make it perfect,just don't make it worst"

i love to laugh!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!;')

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Blu-ray Disc..

by dancefloor murderer on Nov.22, 2009, under

Nowadays, optical discs are having a great impact on storage as it can hold up for over fifty gigabytes of data. In optical-disc technology, laser beam alters the surface of a metallic disk to present a data. Usually, the disc is read by an optical disc drive using a laser that projects a tiny beam of light. Compact disc,known as CD is one of the most widely used optical formats. Others types of optical disc is digital versatile disc,DVD. While CDs and DVDs are the most widely used optical discs, there are still lack of using them like insufficient for recording high-definition video,and others. As a result, the next generation of optical disc is build on. The current is Blu-ray Disc (BD) that is the topic that i wanna discuss here..:)

Blu-ray (not Blue-ray) also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD), is the name of a next-generation optical disc format jointly developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), a group of the world's leading consumer electronics, personal computer and media manufacturers (including Apple, Dell, Hitachi, HP, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TDK and Thomson). The format was developed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video (HD), as well as storing large amounts of data. The format offers more than five times the storage capacity of traditional DVDs and can hold up to 25GB on a single-layer disc and 50GB on a dual-layer disc. This extra capacity combined with the use of advanced video and audio codecs will offer consumers an unprecedented HD experience.

Blu-ray products can easily be made backwards compatible with CDs and DVDs through the use of a BD/DVD/CD compatible optical pickup unit. The benefit of using a blue-violet laser (405nm) is that it has a shorter wavelength than a red laser (650nm), which makes it possible to focus the laser spot with even greater precision. This allows data to be packed more tightly and stored in less space, so it's possible to fit more data on the disc even though it's the same size as a CD/DVD. This together with the change of numerical aperture to 0.85 is what enables Blu-ray Discs to hold 25GB/50GB.

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Question & Answer session with Mr.Ramueldo...

Q: Blu-ray,what it is?

Ramueldo: "Blu-ray, also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD) is the name of a next-generation optical disc format. The format was developed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video (HD), as well as storing large amounts of data. The format offers more than five times the storage capacity of traditional DVDs and can hold up to 25GB on a single-layer disc and 50GB on a dual-layer disc."

Q: Why the name is Blu-ray?

Ramueldo: "The name Blu-ray is derived from the underlying technology, which utilizes a blue-violet laser to read and write data. The name is a combination of "Blue" (blue-violet laser) and "Ray" (optical ray). According to the Blu-ray Disc Association the spelling of "Blu-ray" is not a mistake, the character "e" was intentionally left out so the term could be registered as a trademark.The correct full name is Blu-ray Disc, not Blu-ray Disk (incorrect spelling)
The correct shortened name is Blu-ray, not Blu-Ray (incorrect capitalization) or Blue-ray (incorrect spelling)
The correct abbreviation is BD, not BR or BRD (wrong abbreviation)."

Q: How much data can you fit on a Blu-ray disc?
Ramueldo: "A single-layer disc can hold 25GB. A dual-layer disc can hold 50GB.

-To ensure that the Blu-ray Disc format is easily extendable (future-proof) it also includes support for multi-layer discs, which should allow the storage capacity to be increased to 100GB-200GB (25GB per layer) in the future simply by adding more layers to the discs."

Q: How much video can you fit on a Blu-ray disc?

Ramueldo: "Over 9 hours of high-definition (HD) video on a 50GB disc n about 23 hours of standard-definition (SD) video on a 50GB disc."

Q: How fast can you read/write data on a Blu-ray disc?

Ramueldo: "According to the Blu-ray Disc specification, 1x speed is defined as 36Mbps. However, as BD-ROM movies will require a 54Mbps data transfer rate the minimum speed we're expecting to see is 2x (72Mbps). Blu-ray also has the potential for much higher speeds, as a result of the larger numerical aperture (NA) adopted by Blu-ray Disc. The large NA value effectively means that Blu-ray will require less recording power and lower disc rotation speed than DVD and HD-DVD to achieve the same data transfer rate. While the media itself limited the recording speed in the past, the only limiting factor for Blu-ray is the capacity of the hardware. If we assume a maximum disc rotation speed of 10,000 RPM, then 12x at the outer diameter should be possible (about 400Mbps). This is why the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) already has plans to raise the speed to 8x (288Mbps) or more in the future."

Q: What video codecs will Blu-ray support?
Ramueldo: "MPEG-2 - enhanced for HD, also used for playback of DVDs and HDTV recordings.
MPEG-4 AVC - part of the MPEG-4 standard also known as H.264 (High Profile and Main Profile).
SMPTE VC-1 - standard based on Microsoft's Windows Media Video (WMV) technology."

Q: What audio codecs will Blu-ray support?

Ramueldo: "Linear PCM (LPCM) - up to 8 channels of uncompressed audio. (mandatory)
Dolby Digital (DD) - format used for DVDs, 5.1-channel surround sound. (mandatory)
Dolby Digital Plus (DD+) - extension of Dolby Digital, 7.1-channel surround sound. (optional)
Dolby TrueHD - lossless encoding of up to 8 channels of audio. (optional)
DTS Digital Surround - format used for DVDs, 5.1-channel surround sound. (mandatory)
DTS-HD High Resolution Audio - extension of DTS, 7.1-channel surround sound. (optional)
DTS-HD Master Audio - lossless encoding of up to 8 channels of audio. (optional)"

Q: Will Blu-ray replace DVDs?
Ramueldo: "Yes, that's the expectation. The Blu-ray format has received broad support from the major movie studios as a successor to today's DVD format. In fact, seven of the eight major movie studios (Disney, Fox, Warner, Paramount, Sony, Lionsgate and MGM) have released titles in the Blu-ray format. Many studios have also announced that they will begin releasing new feature films on Blu-ray Disc day-and-date with DVD, as well as a continuous slate of catalog titles every month.However, the two formats (Blu-ray and DVD) will most likely co-exist for quite some time until HDTVs become more widespread."

Blue-ray Disc

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In a nut shell, in this modern and sophisticated world today, there are many new technologies were created day by day. As we can see here, Blu-ray disc is created as a next generation of optical disc to replace the insufficient of CDs and DVDs. Every weakness of technologies in the past was replaced by others new technologies better and better. Maybe after 30 and 40 years in the future, people are not burden of work anymore as the technologies will help us to do our work better. Personally,blue-ray disc gives me satisfication in watching movies or playing games!(PS3..hehehe..:)..

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